
Top Writing Tips

There’s no way I’ll be able to gain top billing in a search engine on a post about writing tips. The digital age makes access to information easy, and this is a popular topic. Unfortunately, such a wealth of articles means information overload can make sussing out the tips that work for you a scavenger hunt without clues.

If you’re reading this blog, it could be because you want to write a book. Or maybe you’re learning to write.

Whatever the reason, you’re looking for a shortcut. Who isn’t?

If you’re serious about not just writing a book but FINISHING one, I’d like to invite you to join my free writing community. If you’re on Facebook, this group is a great place to interact with other writers on the same journey.

The majority of the content from this post comes from tips shared by members of Write Your Book Nook.

In April, I asked them to share tips they’d give to a group of young, aspiring writers.
Maybe you’re not young, but you’ll still find solid direction from their tips.

Any thing on the list that isn’t followed by a name comes from me.

  • If an idea grabs you and won’t leave you alone, day dream about it, then see it through. (Nancy)
  • Write anywhere and everywhere. Even 15 minutes on a “bathroom” break is enough to get words down (Sheryl)
  • Sympathize with all of your characters, even the villains
  • You don’t have to write a story in chronological order (Nancy)
  • Technology is your friend. Try telling your story to a voice memo application while walking or driving then transcribe the words later (there’s software for that, too)
  • Find what works for you and follow that rather than changing your process based on what other writers say works for them (Tonya)
  • Read dialogue aloud. Your ear knows what good dialogue sounds like (John Steinbeck)
  • Learn about grammar and punctuation (Nancy)
  • Trust yourself. Your story is unique, and that’s where its value lies
  • Examine your writing expectations and align them with reality (Tonya)
  • Kill your darlings (Stephen King) but don’t delete anything. Save it in a “cut scenes” file. You worked hard to get those words on the page and they might come in handy for a future project
  • Read books in the genre you write, books about writing, fiction and read some more (Nancy)
  • Don’t wait for inspiration to write. Sit down and write. Inspiration sees this as an invitation
  • Examine your mindset and work through limiting beliefs EARLY (Tonya)
  • Focus on one thing to improve at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself
  • Writing isn’t easy. Rewriting is even harder. So be gentle with yourself (Nancy)
  • Plunge in. Beginnings are hard so don’t expect to get them right the first or even fifth time
  • Pace is crucial. You can learn it from watching edge-of-your-seat films
  • Without conflict, you don’t have a story (Larry Brooks)
  • Never give up. If you’re lucky, you won’t be able to give up (Nancy)

What would you add to the list? Which tip will you employ today?

What do you think? Add to the discussion here.