
Writing Resolutions

I’m so far from perfect…but this is cute!

Isn’t it ironic that my first post of 2013 to deal with writing and resolving to write more regularly should be posted a day late?

Saturday’s chores fell upon me. I delved into the syllabi for my next term in college (come back on Wednesday for more on this). The Shakespearean textbook alone was enough to strangle the will of the strongest, most valiant soldier. My oldest son returned to college – so there were goodbyes to be said.

Now that I’ve attempted to justify myself, I will ask that you don’t forgive such obvious excuses for the remainder of this year. I have some resolutions for 2013 and I intend to keep them.

I resolve to:

  • Finish my English Language and Literature degree. I know this seems like a “gimme” since I’m slated to graduate at the end of June, providing I complete the final six classes. I’ve struggled with the desire to throw in the towel on this one over the past several months because of the added stress in my life.
  • Maintain this blog at the biweekly posting pace. I think I’m going to add some book reviews into the mix and perhaps sprinkle it with more of my off topic writing on occasion. I would love to hear what you’d like to read about.
  • Get my weight back to where I feel healthy and maintain that as a “ceiling” weight instead of a “floor.” Do you see any numbers here? No. (Read: And don’t ask!) They’re written down, I promise, but in my mind I’m a 119-pound 25-year-old, so leave me to my fantasy.
  • Post once each week on my church’s blog. I’ve already started on this one. Since I am a follower of that blog, you can click on the name in the side bar to see my posts. Also, if you get emails when I post on this blog, you will be notified about my guest posts elsewhere.
  • Maintain my prayer journal. Let’s face it, I’m going to need plenty of divine assistance if I’m going to complete all these goals.
  • Finish writing the YA novel. Yeah, I’d print the title here, but the working title isn’t all that inspiring and I don’t want to turn any future readers off.
  • Submit a story for publication. I’m not counting the submission to the SNHU literary journal. I have plenty of other stories that only need a little polish and some marketing legwork to enter the fray of the publishing world.
  • Continue writing four hours  or 4,000 words per week. I will probably try the ROW80 challenge again, as well.

What resolutions do you have? Are writing resolutions harder to keep than others?


1 thought on “Writing Resolutions”

  1. Pingback: The New Year is Here | Sharon Lee Hughson

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