More poetry from my vaults today. Hopefully, my writing whims aren’t spotlighting the whimsy within me.
(Yes, I do love my alliteration.)
Today’s offering is quite whimsical. I played with the words and penned them on the page.
Background: On this day, I had been brooding about the lack of new ideas and inspiration I’d been feeling. In the wake of National Novel Writing Month, I often find my creative soul a little parched. But I read a few turns of phrase in Proverbs 30 and an idea for a superhero-quest story spilled from nowhere.
Or somewhere. But us writerly types can never really pinpoint the exact source or motivation.
This untitled poem was only written a couple of months ago, December 30, 2016.
spin through my pen
spurred by a word
inspired by a title
Wind in his Fists
Not the first time it called to me.
scribbled in dribbles
scattered by tatters
indulging a whim
Water in Garments
Superhero meet Elemental: A Trilogy
stutter what they utter
strange what they arrange
involved with others
End of Earth
A quest against an unknown enemy.
Since this time, I’ve figured out who the villain is for these books. I know what he wants and why. Which means this could be a project that eventually comes front and center during my writing office hours.
All those pages of scribbles might find their way into a story after all.
Do you like to make notes in long hand? How do you get your best ideas? What process do you use to refine your ideas?
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