Wait a minute! Didn’t I just post about how Wonder Woman despises Las Vegas? I mean so much so that she wouldn’t even join me for a few moments by the pool.
Yep. I haven’t changed my story.
No matter what it sounds like according to the headline.
She wouldn’t set foot on the melty-hot pavement of The Strip. She did enjoy a few flyovers of the well-lit city after the sun went down.
They can see that place from outer space.
The last evening of our trip while my husband and I were walking off the excess chicken alfredo penini dinner we’d enjoyed, I ran smack dab into our gal Wonder Woman.
And laughed.
Because I knew the chances of her stepping inside this casino were astronomically high. Even if she needed to apprehend a criminal.
Because everyone knows once you step inside a casino you’re stuck like a rat in a maze.
No need for her to swoop in and save the day.
Let casino security handle it.
So what did I see that made me laugh? This:
When we walked by, there was a couple playing at one of the four stations. I had to stop because they were playing video clips from the Lynda Carter television series.
One of them involved the quick-change twirl and flash that transforms plain Diana into Wonder Woman. I could watch this all day long.
But look at the board and what you’re trying to match up?
Not that I know anything about slot machines (or gambling in general), but I got a kick out of this little Wonder Woman island in the middle of a great big casino.
A casino she would never enter.
So of course I snapped a photo (or four). I couldn’t wait to post proof that she had indeed landed in Vegas. Inside the casino at the Luxor.
Do you think she laughed when she saw the photos?
I’m pretty sure she called her lawyer or her press agent or someone like that.
Sold out to a slot machine. Those were the words she used.
Whoops. Maybe I shouldn’t have laughed about that.
Or taken pictures.
Or posted them online.
It doesn’t mean anything. Our gal Wonder Woman despises Sin City. And someone is going to pay for using her face and name without permission.
Sure wouldn’t want to be that guy.