
Welcome to a Writer’s World

Hello, reader. Welcome to the world of Sharon Lee Hughson, author of romance, young adult fantasy and women’s fiction.

I got side-tracked by Facebook when I sat down to write this post. It was a sad day when someone told me I had to join Facebook and start building an online presence.

I was comforted by this thought:

I decided to scan the images on Google for awhile and see if that would light the creative fire inside me. The truth is, I just needed to follow Louis L’amour’s advice:

Genius! I decided to use a bunch of these cool writer quotes and weave a post about what it’s like to be a writer. Isn’t that what all the readers wonder? If so, check out this post by author Jody Hedlund. A writer’s world might not be exactly like you think it is.

I immediately clicked on the quote that gives me permission to spend hours each day reading fiction books:

I adore reading. Not only does it get me out of rainy Oregon, but it crank-starts my own muse.

Then I came across this next meme. It explains exactly why I start a new project by writing the first scene and then the last scene.

I didn’t say they never changed. Most of the time, my beginning is the most rewritten, revised and edited part of every story I write.

Which is why this little quote jumped off the page at me:

Sure, you can call it genius as long as you don’t discount the hours of blood, sweat, tears, moods, frustration, and fears that motivated it.

And then there’s the idea that we like to live in a fantasy world. Ever wonder why? And it isn’t just because they know us there – or because it’s more fun there (even if both are true). How about because it’s a world of mulligans?

When I need encouragement to fight my way forward through another round of edits, and rejection letters keep filling my inbox, I remind myself:

Imagine that. I’ve typed several hundred words. What once was a blank blog post is now filled with life and color. It gives my lips reason to smile. So I do.

Because, no matter what else happens, one of my favorite Nelson Mandela quotes always rings true:

I sat. I wrote. What more is there to a writer’s world?

3 thoughts on “Welcome to a Writer’s World”

  1. The saying goes that genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. What they fail to mention is that the inspiration is usually the last 10%! It’s getting going that’s the hard part, always.

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