Another week in 2016 is gone.
I’m feeling a little whiplashed from the speed of time. I mean, remember when it seemed like it took forEVER for a year to go by? Back when you counted them by birthdays?
Now I have to do advanced math to figure out my age.
And the only reason I’m anticipating the next birthday is because I get a trip to Hawaii in the bargain.
Without further grumbling, here are six reasons to be grateful this week:
I had a HORRIBLE Monday this week, but I got up and faced down the day anyway.
I really need some girlfriend giggle time.
It’s heating up in the world of Giants’ Baseball. Expect to see some memes. This one is a hat-tip to Old Men’s Softball.
I know some everyday heroes. I bet you do too. Don’t let their deeds go unacknowledged.
This meme needs no additional explanation. Every person who has ever gone on a diet can relate. (Replace chocolate with chips or whatever your food-based weakness is.)
What other reasons can you think of for being grateful? Any of these memes stand out for you?