In the wake of one whirlwind wedding, the memorabilia for another waxed and waned. Without an engagement, there would be no wedding. Right?
Engagements are epic. Entire movies have been plotted around popping the question.
Why was it so difficult to put this spread of pages together?
Call me creatively stifled. Or dumbfounded by the over-abundance of information.
The Plan
Never let it be said that my youngest son doesn’t have a plan.
It may look like haphazard meandering. Especially if you’ve seen how he keeps his clean clothes *frowns*
He had everything set up. Reservations at the restaurant he wanted, buddies lined up to set the proposal site in order.
Even video and photo equipment.
So – he was early for the reservations. Better than late though.
The dinner was excellent. The dessert a delicious “enjoy me later” delicacy from The Cheesecake Factory.
Flower petals were strewn with obvious care in the private glen on campus.
The Photos
Darkness curtained this romantic setting. And someone didn’t have a flash. Or something to add light for the video.
Pictures were taken. Filming progressed.
In the end, the Dark Side prevailed.
The only remaining proof lay in the minds of those in attendance.
It’s pretty hard to use that for scrapbook images.
And then there were two
The all-important question was posed. The lovely girl said, “Yes.”
So they are engaged.
Both of them blogged their side of the story. And posted pictures taken with their camera phones at the restaurant. (One of those moments when a phone that is also a camera is a wonderful thing.)
Those images and recollections are all the fodder I had to make a memorable page layout in their keepsake book.
Thankfully, the weather turned wet. The man worked late.
Messing up the table with all my paper paraphernalia seemed like a profitable use of time.
And the project continues. Now, my creative future daughter is planning on making 200 wedding invitations.
Talk about some scraps for the book…