
Rest: My Word for the Year

Perhaps your 2020 started off with fireworks and much anticipated excitement for a new year, or perhaps it started off weary from the burdens you carried over from 2019. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done or the dreams you want to accomplish or maybe you simply want to find a quiet place to breathe and be still.

This message is for all of us at any time of the year and in whatever season we may find ourselves in: Come and rest, God says. Come and learn from me, and you will find rest for your souls. 

Take a moment to remember our God who calls us to Himself. He is not a taskmaster, demanding more from us. Instead, He is like a mother and a father, who have open arms to their children, whiny and tired. He embraces us with gentleness and care and restores our souls in His presence.

Rest in Him.

**Copied from the (in)courage blog where it appeared on January 26, 2020

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