I discovered two series earlier this year that had several books in them. I devoured both of them and was eagerly awaiting the next book in both. Melissa Haag released her fourth book just to quench my thirst.
Or maybe it isn’t just about me. Either way, I happily pre-ordered the book, anxious to see what happens next in the series.
The Blurb
“I left home because I didn’t want to end up in a cage like a lab rat. Hitching rides, begging for cash, and sleeping on the ground got old fast. That was the only reason I braved an overgrown path to a group of buildings. I’d hoped to find a bed and a decent night’s sleep. However, what I found was a place overrun by werewolves.
While on the run, Charlene finds herself surrounded by werewolves, creatures she can’t control with her mind like she can humans. Their existence has her believing she’s found a safe place to stay, a place where secrets are okay. However, she soon discovers she’s anything but safe. Charlene must learn how to use her abilities to influence the strange new species because if she can’t, the next bite she suffers might just kill her.”
The Good News
If you haven’t started reading this series, I suggest starting with book four (Un)Bidden. Aside from the first and last scenes, the book happens prior to the rest of the series.
In this book, we finally learn what Charlene’s special gift is and how she might fit into the bigger picture. Most importantly to me, we discover more about the origin of Thomas’ pack and the compound which is central in all of the books.
As with the other books, this story hits the ground running. Charlene is another teenager with inexplicable powers. Her reason for running, however, it different from that of most of the other girls.
All of that comes to light in this book. We learn how the Urbat discovered the new cycle was underway.
The Bad News
If you have been biting your nails to learn how they find Peace and unite against the Urbat, you won’t learn that in this book. I admit, I was disappointed that the story didn’t move forward in time from where we left it at the end of book three.
For about three chapters. After that, I was totally immersed in Charlene’s story and wondered how things would ever work out.
The bad news is we have to wait until early in 2015 to find out about Peace and how the story moves forward.
My Recommendation
If you haven’t read this series, start with book four. Ignore the first and last scenes until after you read the other books because you won’t know any of the people mentioned.
Enjoy starting at the beginning, with Charlene. I think you will appreciate the other books much more in this order.
My favorite book in the series is still Book One Hope(less). I have enjoyed all of them, though, but the way the romance developed in the first book is my favorite. After that, this fourth book ranks second.
In the other two books, the women are under so much duress because they’re fleeing the Urbat. It makes the romantic element take on a fervor that doesn’t ring as true with me. Exciting, yes. Realistic, maybe not. A lasting love, I doubt it.
Melissa Haag tells exceptional stories. If you like paranormal romance, you will want to read this. If you are a member of “Team Jacob,” you will find these wolves even more appealing.
Buy this book. Read it. Then go back and read the rest of the Judgement of Six series: Hope(less), (Mis)fortune and (Un)wise.