In honor of yet another month in the Dauntless year of 2017, today’s post will be mostly pictorial.
How about some poetry to start things off?
Around here, no one is really feeling Frodo.
What used to be the end of school on June 14, is now more like June 22. (Snow days aren’t always a good thing).
I finished my senior year the last week of May. Because summer started in June. Remember the days when…
Students aren’t the only ones who count down to summer vacation. You know what really gets a teacher wishing for the last day of school?
Every teacher and student in the world knows that June holds this imperative:
In Oregon, we can welcome the month of June with joy and anticipation.
But that doesn’t mean we’ll get sunshine over showers.
June means more time to write as my subbing days are over (well, for the last week anyway). This year it means traveling to a new country.
Summer is my favorite season. Not surprising since I love the sunshine.
What are you looking forward to in June?