#BePositivein2015 is my annual focus. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve been barraged with posts having this hashtag or something like #Positiveattitude.
Does that mean I haven’t said a negative word all year? Or that all my thoughts have been positive and uplifting?
I won’t dare God to send a lightning bolt my way by responding to those questions.
Obviously, I’ve had a few negative moments hours days. Who can live in the midst of this tumultuous world and not experience a few BB shots to their outlook?
Overall, 2015 had offered many positive changes in my life. Of course, change isn’t easy, even when it’s expected and desirable.
If I could compartmentalize my life, it would fall into five loose categories: Physical Health, Spiritual Health, Family Life, Writing Career, and Social Outlets.
In every category, I have experienced change and growth in 2015.
When we’re talking Physical Health, growth isn’t necessarily a good thing. But I have – put on the pounds that is. Now that summer is here, my 30-year class reunion is mere weeks away and a special vacation is planned for January 2016, I need to cut myself down to size.
I work out because it sends endorphins into my system and works as an antidote to the depression that plagues me (especially during gray months). However, my eating habits have become horrible.
A plan for improving this is in place. Starting today. (So if I seem grouchier than usual, blame it on the lack of chocolate, which isn’t on my eating plan.)
My Spiritual Health always resembles a roller coaster ride. And we all know how I feel about roller coasters, so this isn’t a positive thing. I’m working on it.
If you’ve been following my blog, you know the Family Life compartment has been spewing into all the others. There are changes (and there will be more when my son gets married in January). I haven’t handled some of them with good grace. In fact, for many weeks this area has become nearly a negative in my world.
Finally, the Social Outlets have been nearly non-existent for several years. Since I started working from home, really. I am building relationships with other writers, but I’m in sad need of other friendships.
Wait! What about my Writing Career?
That has been the one bright spot in my world since my first acceptance letter in November 2014.
It isn’t all sunshine and sparkles, though. I’ve recently recieved two rejections for short stories I worked diligently to perfect before submitting. One of them, a YA sci-fi historical, really made me feel proud. I’ll be seeking a home for it elsewhere.
The YA romance wasn’t as polished, but the subject matter is gravely important. I intended to run a blog series about the antagonistic issue in the story – Non-Suicidal Self Injury (often called cutting) – to raise awareness – and prime my audience for the story.
How are rejections positive? They mean I’m finishing projects and putting them out into the world. That’s what professional writers do.
I also had a short story accepted. I’m not really free to talk about this until the official release comes from the publisher. You can expect an entire post dedicated to it once that happens.
Looking Forward
I’m still trying to focus on the positive. I hope it becomes a lifestyle for me.
At the moment, I need your help. I’ve exhausted the seemingly endless supply of upbeat quotes about having a positive attitude.
Do you have words of wisdom along these theme to share? Maybe you’ve been inspired to stay positive by someone else’s words?
Please share these in the comments below. I will make memes of all and share them via Twitter. If the words belong to someone else, please credit them.
If you don’t want your wisdom plastered around the Twitter-sphere, mention that in your comment. But please, PLEASE share the hope with me.
Positive and successful people build each other up. They motivate, inspire and push each other. Every day is a new day, a clean slate, YOU CAN DO IT!
As we both know, I am my biggest critic. Thus, positive self-talk is truly my overarching goal for having this focus during 2015.
Still have the down days. Obviously, I’m not perfect yet 🙂
Love how open and honest you’re being here. It’s in the darkest times where we have to choose to be positive, and where it’s the hardest thing to do. Most of my fave quotes are bittersweet, but here’s one from my fave author that might work: “We can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.” -Madeleine L’Engle. https://www.pinterest.com/barbarahartzler/awesome-quotes/
If it were EASY to have a positive attitude, everyone would be doing it. And the world would be a much better place.
By the grace of God, I’m learning to quell my negative comments. It’s more difficult to think positively toward myself, so that’s where I really need to grow and change.
Love the quote.
Thanks for commenting and following.
Positive thinking (the mind) is only half the equation. Your emotional self is the other half.
Don’t try to suppress your negative thoughts (we all have them). Allow them to be, but DELIBERATELY choose positive thoughts. You will change the balance of your (habitual) thoughts, feelings and life over time by repeatedly doing this.
Tune in to your feelings in relation to your thoughts. EVERY thought you have produces an emotional reaction. Choose the thought that makes you feel the best! – the “best feeling thought”. The more you manage to do this in your daily life, the more success you are having, and the more successful your life will soon become in every way.