
Amazon: Destroyer of Future Plans

I’ve never been one of those author with scathing commentary about the monopolizing power of Amazon’s book store. Instead I was all-in with several Kindle-only titles.

Then they pulled the plug on Kindle Worlds.

At the moment this was announced, I was begging beta readers to return their comments on the third book for the series published in this universe. That story was planned to release in less than two months.

The day after the announcement, I got my royalty statement from Amazon showing the first month when two titles were available for sale. It was great. The sales had been strong and steady, more than anything else I’ve ever published.

Amazon was jerking the rug out from under my expanding readership.

Worse, I was positive that the introduction to this world and the amazing influencer who conceived it was the future of my writing career. At least for the next couple years.

Thanks, Amazon, for demolishing that business plan I made a week earlier.

But as much as this derailed my career planning, I knew the news was even worse for Melissa Storm.

I messaged her. I wanted to encourage her and let her know that no one was mad at her and we hoped we could still work together.

By the next day, she’d formed her own publishing company.

And why not? She has an incredible platform of followers. She launches all her new releases to the bestseller list.

Those characters I was dropping into Sweet Grove aren’t displaced after all. Their stories will be told.
*Shakes fist at Big Brother Amazon*
In the future, I might even explore some of the other shared series worlds she’s planning to launch along with Sweet Promise Press.

So if you’re an author, you should check it out. There’s a form to fill out if you want to write for her.

Those lines in my business plan that mention Kindle Worlds will have to be lined out. But those titles should still reach you.

In a few weeks, I’ll give you a glance into the next First Street Church novella. When I know the release date, I’ll pass it on.

Make sure you don’t miss any of these updates. Follow my author page on Facebook. Better yet, join my Facebook group.

It’s nice to know that Amazon doesn’t actually have the same destructive power of…Thanos. Indie authors unite with more strength than the Avengers, too.

Do you buy most of your books from Amazon? Is there any way we can curb their market share?

3 thoughts on “Amazon: Destroyer of Future Plans”

  1. Yay for not letting the monopoly crush you! I decided to publish my print on demand paperbacks through IngramSpark rather than CreateSpace almost entirely because I don’t feel I can rely on Amazon to not suddenly… do something like this.
    To answer your question, I buy most of my new books off the Book Depository – which, alas, has been bought by Amazon. But it’s definitely good to keep your eggs in multiple baskets!

    1. The small publishers I’m with still go with Amazon for distribution, as well as the smaller digital and print retail outlets. I put my first book with KDP so it went into KU, but if I self=publish again, I don’t think I’ll do it. The only benefits seemed to be promotions and the ability to make it free, which you can work around by putting it free on another site and then reporting it to Amazon for a price match. A little more work, but worth it if I can keep a measure of control over my books.

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